
We are dedicated to not just meeting but exceeding the expectations in e-commerce development. This overview showcases our meticulous approach to solving complex technical challenges, delivering seamless user experiences, and optimizing operational efficiencies—all aimed at enhancing the online presence of our clients.

The Client

We are dedicated to not just meeting but exceeding the expectations in e-commerce development. This overview showcases our meticulous approach to solving complex technical challenges, delivering seamless user experiences, and optimizing operational efficiencies—all aimed at enhancing the online presence of our clients.


Key Milestones

Performance Enhancements

  • Implemented critical fixes to the My1stYears_AwinTracking module, ensuring accurate affiliate tracking and revenue reporting.
  • Optimized frontend JavaScript, significantly enhancing site responsiveness and user interaction.

Checkout Process Improvements

  • Developed a multi-step checkout process to streamline user flow and increase conversion rates.
  • Resolved PayPal integration errors, ensuring a smooth checkout experience for users.

User Interface Updates

Integrated NextGen Images extension to improve page load speeds and overall site performance.

Operational Efficiency

  • Upgraded Product Recommendations system to better tailor suggestions to customer preferences, boosting potential sales.
  • Implemented a new order status workflow to correctly reflect the 'COMPLETE' status post-shipment and invoicing, eliminating any confusion in order processing.

Search Functionality Enhancements

  • Addressed issues with the main menu not appearing on search results pages, ensuring consistent navigation.
  • Improved search result accuracy and user experience by fixing issues related to disabled products appearing in search queries.

The Client


Our collaboration highlights a robust adaptation and enhancement of your e-commerce systems, demonstrating qoliber's commitment to excellence. We have successfully tackled various challenges from backend optimizations to frontend enhancements, ensuring a top-tier online presence that not only meets but anticipates customer needs. Each project undertaken has been a step towards refining our client's digital landscape, focusing on technical prowess, user experience, and operational efficiency.


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