JB Furniture & Just Parasols

Our collaboration with JB Furniture & Just Parasols on their Magento platform encompassed over 500 tasks, highlighting our commitment to excellence and user-centric development. This overview showcases our key achievements that have revolutionized customer interactions and streamlined navigation and product visibility on their site.

The Client

Our collaboration with JB Furniture & Just Parasols on their Magento platform encompassed over 500 tasks, highlighting our commitment to excellence and user-centric development. This overview showcases our key achievements that have revolutionized customer interactions and streamlined navigation and product visibility on their site.


Key Milestones

UX Enhancements

We have revolutionized customer interactions by refining user experience elements, ensuring smoother navigation and improved visibility of products.

Performance Boosts

Site speed was significantly enhanced by optimizing image resources, thus boosting customer satisfaction.

Sales and Checkout Optimization

We upgraded shipping policies and cart systems to streamline the purchasing process and enhance user convenience.

SEO & Accessibility

We have advanced site visibility and accessibility by conducting thorough SEO optimizations and content adaptations to meet web standards.

Technical Mastery

Addressed various challenges, including Cloudflare errors and module debugging, to stabilize the online environment.

Integration Excellence

Ensured JB Furniture stays at the cutting edge with regular updates and third-party integrations that enhance site functionality.

Security Focus

Maintained a secure shopping experience through consistent updates and security patches.

Search & Content Improvements

Enhanced search efficiency and user engagement by refining content discovery processes.

Mobile First Approach

Optimized the mobile experience to align with modern consumer habits, ensuring seamless usage across devices.

Reliable Site Maintenance

Implemented proactive site monitoring to guarantee uninterrupted service and a consistent online presence.

The Client


Our journey with JB Furniture & Just Parasols exemplifies our unwavering commitment to pushing the boundaries of e-commerce excellence. We delivered a sophisticated, user-friendly platform that stands as a testament to our technical and creative capabilities, ensuring an optimal blend of performance, security, and user engagement.


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