Aleksandra Czapiewska, née Kijewska
Aleksandra Czapiewska, née Kijewska
Marketing and Projects Expert

Introducing Ola, a marketing mastermind with nearly two decades of expertise in transforming data into dynamic marketing strategies. Her remarkable track record includes transformative roles at Burda Media Polska, Polska Press Grupa, TIM S.A., and Media Saturn Holding. These positions have seen her launch and lead marketing initiatives that dramatically increased engagement and sales. A certified Google Partner proficient in top marketing automation platforms like SalesManago and iPresso, Ola has consistently delivered solutions that enhance online visibility and propel business growth. Currently at Qoliber as the 'Sorceress of Projects & Wonders,' she expertly drives projects that surpass expectations, delivering top-notch product quality and securing a formidable market stance.

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+48 881 790 519

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